BeatStars stands against the oppression, ethnic cleansing, and human rights violations of the Palestinian people.

A Letter to the Community

Hear from BeatStars CEO, Abe Batshon, as he shares his heart and speaks out against the human rights violations of the people of Palestine.

May 21 at 3pm est

An Open Space for the Community

Join the BeatStars staff and advocates in the Palestinian community to talk about the injustice that’s going on in Palestine. This open space is for our community to have a time to educate themselves, hear stories, and get empowered to make a difference.


learn more about what’s going on in Palestine

Want to learn more about what’s currently happening in Palestine? Read our latest blog post to learn what we are fighting for, why its a problem, and how you can get involved.


Supporting Organizations on the Frontlines

BeatStars has donated $50,000 to organizations on the frontlines of the fight for Palestinians. Learn more about these organizations we support.